New Year’s Resolutions? Start With Your Mindset.

Are you setting health and wellness goals for the New Year? Do you have resolutions to start healthier habits?

If so, let’s increase your chances of success by starting with your MINDSET.

What is Mindset?

You see life through your own unique lens. This is your mindset - a set of deeply rooted beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world.

Your mindset determines how you think, feel, and behave - which means it inevitably influences whether you succeed or fail.

Fixed Mindset & Growth Mindset

How many times have you looked at one aspect of your life or another — be it weight, stress, or finances — and wished it were different? Or that you knew how to change it?

Carol Dweck, a researcher from Stanford University, spent over 3 decades trying to solve this common problem and get to the root of why some people are able to overcome challenges while others fail. Through her research, she found that there were two different approaches to life and resulting behaviors that separated the ultra-successful from the rest.

These two approaches are known as the “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset.”

Here’s the difference:

🔹 People with a growth mindset believe they can change. They embrace challenges. They see failure as an opportunity to learn.

🔹 People with a fixed mindset believe they are innately good at something or not. Smart or not. They may be hesitant to try new things for fear of failure.

Those who commit to a growth mindset have been found to accomplish more (both professionally and personally) than those with a fixed mindset. Rather than wasting time being upset about failures, they are putting their energy into developing and learning the skills necessary to accomplish the task at hand.

Truth is—like with all mindsets—that we all fall somewhere along the continuum.

But when it comes to health, I see many benefits of embracing a growth mindset

When we believe our bodies and brains can change, we are more motivated to better ourselves, whether that’s through what we eat, how we move, or the choices we make.

A growth mindset is a health-supporting mindset

Mindset work is subtle and takes time to develop. It may seem less powerful than diet, exercise, or herbs - but our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do.

While many people are making New Year’s Resolutions to start good habits or break bad ones, what if we all make a resolution to embrace a new mindset that serves us better than before?

Want to learn more? Here are three great reads to get you started:

“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

“Atomic Habits” James Clear

“Hidden Potential” Adam Grant

Are you ready for a fresh perspective on your health? As a board-certified Integrative & Functional Medicine physician, I can help you “think outside of the box” and dig deeper with a variety of laboratory testing to help uncover the underlying root causes of your symptoms and create a plan personalized for you that goes beyond the prescription pad to incorporate diet/lifestyle change, nutritional supplements, holistic therapies, health coaching and more! Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more.


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