NutrEval® Comprehensive Nutritional Testing


A Comprehensive Test for Identifying Nutritional Deficiencies, Toxicities, Gut Imbalances, and More

In my Integrative & Functional Medical practice, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to diet and nutritional supplement recommendations. Patients come to me following a variety of diet plans - everything from vegan to keto. I also prescribe a variety of food plans for my patients, and I customize nutraceutical supplement recommendations for each individual. To do this - I tend to dig deep with laboratory data to answer the question: Is your current diet and supplement plan meeting your nutritional needs?

The NutrEval® Comprehensive Nutritional Test by Genova Diagnostics is the most commonly ordered specialty laboratory test in my practice. This test serves as an excellent starting point for evaluating a patient's nutritional status and investigating the root causes of chronic illness, as well as a useful follow-up tool to measure how well diet, lifestyle changes, and supplement regimens are working.


The NutrEval® test comes as a kit shipped directly to your home. Test registration is completed online, and detailed instructions are provided. You collect a first-morning urine sample which is frozen, and then you take the urine sample and test kit directly to your laboratory facility, where your blood is drawn. The laboratory facility ships the test kit for you. Results typically take 3-4 weeks. More often than not, you will have your NutrEval® test kit drawn at the same time as a “regular” lab order, often looking at blood counts and chemistries, other nutrient levels, hormones, signs of underlying infection, and more (I am very thorough when it comes to laboratory testing).


This test report contains ALOT of data. I have many years of experience interpreting these results, and I can break them down for you, providing detailed information in the following categories:

MINERALS - direct measurements of minerals in the blood. I look for deficiencies, and also for mineral excess. Did you know that too much Selenium can contribute to hair loss?

  • Copper

  • Magnesium

  • Manganese

  • Potassium

  • Selenium

  • Zinc

HEAVY METALS - direct measurements of potentially toxic heavy metals. It is common for me to see elevated levels of mercury in those who consume a lot of fish or in those with older dental amalgams.

  • Lead

  • Mercury

  • Arsenic

  • Cadmium

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS - including Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fats, Saturated fats, Trans-fats, and more. I use the fatty acid analysis to accurately identify which types of fats and oils a patient is consuming, and whether or not they are supplementing with fatty acids (like fish oil). This section can provide valuable insight into diet and supplement recommendations for:

  • General Wellness

  • Inflammatory Disorders

  • Cardiovascular Risk

  • Mood and Brain Disorders

PROTEIN/AMINO ACIDS (amino acids are the building blocks of protein)
The Amino Acid Analysis allows us to determine if you are consuming enough or too much protein. Protein is essential for muscle and bone health, hormonal health, mood and more! I use this section most often to:

  • Evaluate protein intake, including digestion and absorption of protein.

  • Evaluate amino acid balance in relation to mood disorders.

ANTIOXIDANTS & OXIDATIVE STRESS - Oxidative Stress represents the balance of antioxidants and free radical damage in the body. When describing Oxidative Stress to patients, I often refer to it as “rusting” on your cells and DNA. This analysis measures markers of this “rusting”, as well as levels of Co-Q10 and GLUTATHIONE, a powerful antioxidant that plays key roles in healthy aging and detoxification. Our levels of Glutathione are determined by both our genes and our lifestyle, so if low levels are detected, we can implement protocols for improvement and do follow-up tests to see glutathione levels rise.

URINE ORGANIC ACIDS - Urine-organic acids are not something I learned about in Medical School. This analysis, often utilized by Naturopathic Physicians, measures metabolites in the urine that reflect processes going on in your body. This analysis provides insight into:

  • GUT HEALTH - including digestion and signs of bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth in the gut.

  • MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION - your mitochondria are the “energy factories” in your cells. Your report provides detailed information on each step in the cellular energy production process and whether added nutrients are needed to support energy production.

  • FUNCTIONAL B-VITAMIN NEED - not measuring levels of B-vitamins in your blood, but rather looking at markers of how your cells are utilizing these vitamins which helps to direct need for supplementation and can also measure whether your B-vitamin supplement is working!

  • NEUROTRANSMITTER BALANCE - including markers of adrenal health, as well as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin need.

  • SIGNS OF IMPAIRED DETOXIFICATION - including markers that indicate if you are in need of key nutrients to support the detoxification pathways in your body.


  • Varies per insurance.

  • Covered completely by many Medicare plans.

  • Commercial plans require an out-of-pocket co-pay of approximately $200, with a maximum out-of-pocket cost of $410. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) may be used to cover costs.

  • Not covered by Medicaid.

Note: I do not profit off of ordering this (or any other) laboratory test. Any co-pay goes directly to Genova Diagnostics.

Are you ready for a fresh perspective on your health? As a board-certified Integrative & Functional Medicine physician, I can help you “think outside of the box”, and dig deeper with a variety of laboratory testing to help uncover the underlying root causes of your symptoms, and create a plan personalized for you that goes beyond the prescription pad to incorporate diet/lifestyle change, nutritional supplements, holistic therapies, health coaching and more! Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more.


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