5 Lifestyle Hacks for Healthier Estrogen Balance

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we’re focusing on hormonal health - in particular, healthy estrogen balance. This is the third in a four-part series on ESTROGEN DOMINANCE - one of the most common hormone imbalances I see in practice (see my 2 previous blogs about this topic if you need to catch up).

This blog highlights 5 LIFESTYLE HACKS to reduce estrogen dominance - but these hacks can be helpful for all women to maintain healthy estrogen balance. Estrogen, like all hormones, responds to foods, movement, stress, toxins and many other everyday habits. Let’s take a look at the top 5 lifestyle hacks I use with patients to help correct and rebalance estrogen:

1️⃣ Eat More Cruciferous Vegetables 🥦

Cruciferous vegetables are among the most significant foods that lower estrogen because they contain indole-3-carbinol, a chemical with anti-estrogen effects (I also prescribe this compound in a supplement called DIM - more on that next week). Consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts can reduce estrogen production and improve estrogen metabolism in both women and men.

2️⃣ Boost Fiber 🌾

Estrogen goes through a system of detoxification in our bodies. The last step in this detoxification? ELIMINATION (think 💩). Fiber supports healthy bowel movements and elimination - including the elimination of estrogens. Plus, foods that are rich in fiber fuel the beneficial bacteria in the gut for microbiome balance and help to stabilize blood sugar, reducing hunger and cravings.

3️⃣ Cut Alcohol 🍷

Alcohol can burden the liver and increase activity of the estrogen-producing aromatase enzyme. Cutting alcohol promises many benefits—including happier hormones.

4️⃣ Reduce Stress 😫

When we experience high stress, this can “steal” our progesterone - further upsetting our estrogen/progesterone balance. We cannot control the stressful situations around us, but we can find ways to respond and release that stress. Better stress management translates to less cortisol production, freeing up your body’s resources to make healthy levels of progesterone to balance your estrogen.

5️⃣ Get Exercise 🏃‍♀️

Exercise helps with several causes of estrogen dominance—including body fat and insulin resistance. Getting into a routine of moving your body every day will help support hormone health.

Treating estrogen dominance is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I personalize treatment plans for each patient after evaluating which factors are most at play in their hormone imbalance. Are you interested in learning more about your hormonal health? Subscribe to my email list and schedule an appointment!


5 Supplements for Estrogen Dominance


8 Causes of Estrogen Dominance