Mitochondria - What They Are and Why You Should Care

Have you ever found yourself battling unexplained bouts of fatigue, energy dips throughout the day, or an overall sense of exhaustion? You're certainly not alone. While there can be myriad reasons behind feeling low on energy, one critical aspect we shouldn't overlook is the health of our MITOCHONDRIA.

You may have heard this word in the context of rare, inherited mitochondrial disorders - but that is not what I'm talking about. In the realm of Functional Medicine, we understand that even without a diagnosed disease - mitochondria that aren't functioning optimally can significantly impact our well-being.

What are Mitochondria?

Your mitochondria are tiny organelles inside your cells that produce energy - which is why we often call them the “powerhouse” of the cell.

Cells that require more energy contain more mitochondria. For example - liver, heart, brain, and muscle cells are packed with mitochondria.

The state of your mitochondria touches almost every aspect of your health, influencing:

➡️ Energy levels

➡️ Heart health and cholesterol

➡️ Muscle recovery

➡️ Metabolism

➡️ Brain health

➡️ Aging

➡️ and more!

In clinical practice, mitochondrial dysfunction most often presents as “Brain, Pain, and Drain” - including chronic fatigue, brain fog, and chronic pain. However, regardless of whether you have any specific health concerns, supporting mitochondrial function gives your body the advantage of achieving optimal function, healthy aging, and more.

Threats to Mitochondrial Health

Feeling your best and optimizing your health begins at the cellular level - or even at the subcellular level - like in the mitochondria! Our mitochondria create almost all of our cellular energy, so if they are compromised, then we are, too.

Even though our mitochondria can work tirelessly without notice to keep us feeling energetic and healthy, it’s important to know that they are susceptible to damage. If you want to maintain healthy mitochondrial function, you’ll want to minimize your exposure to these potential threats:

➡️ Cigarette smoke and Environmental chemicals

➡️ Heavy metals (like mercury)

➡️ Poor Nutrition

➡️ Radiation

➡️ Mycotoxin exposure and other chronic infections

➡️ Lack of exercise

➡️ Some medications (like fluoroquinolones)

➡️ Some pesticides

➡️ Excessive alcohol consumption

To sum up this list, pretty much anything that creates free radicals and oxidative stress can potentially damage mitochondria. Part of the reason for that is that mitochondrial DNA is packaged differently than nuclear DNA and is, therefore, more fragile and less protected. We also know that mitochondrial synthesis and efficiency naturally decline with age - which means it’s even more important to be proactive about supporting mitochondrial health as you age.

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs in this series, where I will outline lifestyle habits and targeted nutrients to support mitochondrial health.

Are you ready for a fresh perspective on your hormonal health? I can help! As a board-certified Integrative & Functional Medicine physician, I have an extensive background in hormone expertise and experience. I offer a variety of laboratory testing, bioidentical hormone therapies, botanicals and nutraceuticals, weight loss programs, and more! Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more.


5 Habits For Healthy Mitochondria


The Mediterranean Diet & Heart Health