- brain health
- Detoxification
- Digestive Health
- Energy
- Estrogen Doiminance
- Fitness
- Health Coaching
- Heart Health
- Hormone Balance
- Immune System
- inflammation
- Insulin Resistance
- Integrative and Functional Medicine
- Mitochondria
- Mood
- Nutrition
- Perimenopause
- Protein
- Skincare
- Sleep
- Stress
- Supplements
- Thyroid
- Weight Loss
New Year’s Resolutions? Start With Your Mindset.
Are you setting health and wellness goals for the New Year? Do you have resolutions to start healthier habits?
If so, let’s increase your chances of success by starting with your MINDSET.
5 Daily Practices to Rewire Your Brain
You can teach your brain to form new connections: to strengthen pathways that serve you and weaken pathways that don’t. This is called neuroplasticity.
Ready to Change Some Habits? Start With Your Brain.
You have the power to retrain your brain! Think of it like rewiring. You can teach your brain to form new connections: to strengthen pathways that serve you and weaken pathways that don’t. It’s called neuroplasticity.
Setting your New Year’s Intentions
Do new year’s resolutions work? Many research studies suggest they do not. So what if, instead of a new year’s resolution, this year, you set a new year’s intention? Because even though there is value in setting specific goals and resolutions, there is also value in zooming out to bring clarity on what matters to you most. That’s the power of intentions.
5 Ways to Create a HEALTH Mindset
Do you ever feel like you just aren’t a healthy person or can never become one? It might be guided by some set of beliefs that has formed over the years—completely beyond your control. I like to call it your mindset.
- allergies
- anxiety
- belly fat
- blood sugar
- Blood Sugar
- Breast Cancer Awareness month
- Cardiovascular Disease/Heart Attack
- cellular energy
- chronic inflammation
- cortisol
- Cortisol
- cravings
- Detox
- detoxification
- digestion
- endocrine system
- energy
- estrogen
- everyday detox
- Exercise
- exercise
- fatigue
- fiber
- Functional Medicine
- gut health
- heart
- heart attack
- heart disease
- heart health
- Heart Health
- hormone balance
- Hormones
- hormones
- hyperthyroidism
- hypothyroidism
- Immune Function
- immune support
- inflammation
- Insulin Resistance
- Integrative Medicine
- Low Thyroid Function
- metabolism
- mitochondrial function
- Nutrition
- protein
- protein shake
- sleep
- stress
- Thyroid
- Toxins
- weight gain
- womens health