Adaptogens, Stress, Cortisol, Supplements Carin Nielsen, MD Adaptogens, Stress, Cortisol, Supplements Carin Nielsen, MD

Hack Your Stress Response with Adaptogens

Stress is a fact of life. Short-term stress is normal and helps us deal with immediate challenges. Our stress response is managed by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system, which release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol when faced with stress. This response is vital for survival and maintaining balance in the body - however, chronic stress, lasting for a long time, can harm our health, affecting mental health, the heart, immune system, digestion, cognitive function, and energy levels.

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Hormone Balance, Stress, Cortisol Carin Nielsen, MD Hormone Balance, Stress, Cortisol Carin Nielsen, MD

Stress Triggers & Stress Stoppers

As discussed in my previous blog, chronic elevation of the stress hormone cortisol is one of the most significant root causes of health issues in many of my clients. It can have long-term effects on many aspects of health and well-being, including metabolism, sleep, brain, and mood.

Have you ever thought about what’s actually creating stress in your body? It might not be what you think.

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Hormone Balance, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD Hormone Balance, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD

Stress Resilience and Your Hormones

In my 20+ years of practicing medicine, I have often found stress levels in my patients to be higher in May - especially for those with school-aged children. The problem with letting all that stress get to you is that higher levels of stress hormones can really MESS with your other hormones! The Stress-Hormone connection is REAL - and it’s a vicious cycle. As I often discuss with my patients, hormones “dance” with one another. When one set of hormones becomes imbalanced - this is likely to wreak havoc on other hormones.

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