Sleep Carin Nielsen, MD Sleep Carin Nielsen, MD

How to Support Your Circadian Rhythm for Better Health

When your lifestyle is at odds with your internal body clock (your circadian rhythm), it can cause everything from fatigue to insomnia, anxiety, depression, weight gain, and more. Whether or not you’ve disrupted your circadian rhythm yet or not, anybody can begin TODAY to live in better alignment with their circadian rhythms.

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Sleep Carin Nielsen, MD Sleep Carin Nielsen, MD

Circadian Rhythms Explained

Daily rhythms keep your body ticking like a clock. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of body processes that follow a 24-hour clock: Hormones, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Immune Function, Detoxification, and Digestion. That’s right—nearly every body process has a daily cycle—it’s called the circadian rhythm

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Insulin Resistance, Supplements Carin Nielsen, MD Insulin Resistance, Supplements Carin Nielsen, MD

5 Supplements for Blood Sugar Support

Insulin resistance means that the cells in the body have become less responsive to insulin, which leads to elevated insulin and blood sugar levels. This leads to more belly fat, hunger/cravings, and fatigue - and if left unchecked, can lead to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even many cancers. That’s why it’s critical to take insulin resistance seriously.

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Insulin Resistance, Sleep, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD Insulin Resistance, Sleep, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD

5 Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance means that the cells in the body have become less responsive to insulin, which leads to elevated insulin and blood sugar levels. This leads to more belly fat, hunger/cravings, and fatigue - and if left unchecked, can lead to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even many cancers. That’s why it’s critical to take insulin resistance seriously.

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5 Supplements for Estrogen Dominance

Bringing hormones into balance requires a commitment to healthy habits, but we can support the process with targeted nutritional supplements. When considering nutritional supplements for estrogen dominance, there are 3 categories to consider: Gut Support - for proper estrogen elimination, Liver Support - for healthy estrogen metabolism, and Hormone Support - for estrogen-progesterone balance.

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Sleep, Detoxification Carin Nielsen, MD Sleep, Detoxification Carin Nielsen, MD

Waking at 3am? It’s LIVER time!

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ system of the body has a time of day that it is more active than others. For the liver? It’s 1-3am. That means that if you repeatedly wake up at 3am, it’s possible your liver is overworked or you need some additional support for detoxification.

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Carin Nielsen, MD Carin Nielsen, MD

Do you know what’s really in your fast food?

Plastic. There is plastic in your fast food. Researchers at George Washington University purchased 64 items from fast-food restaurants, tested them for 11 harmful chemicals, and detected 10 of those 11 chemicals.

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Detoxification, Nutrition Carin Nielsen, MD Detoxification, Nutrition Carin Nielsen, MD

Five Foods for Everyday Detox

100% avoidance of toxins is never possible. That’s why it’s important to support our body’s inherent ability to metabolize, detoxify, and eliminate toxins on a daily basis. One of the best ways to do this is through food.

Here are 5 delicious foods to support everyday detoxification.

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Seasonal Allergies Part Three: 8 tips to allergy-proof your home.

Whether it’s seasonal sneezing or a year-round runny nose, it’s possible that your home could be making allergies worse! When it comes to improving our health, it’s easy to forget about the importance of our surroundings. Even if nobody in your family struggles with allergies, taking these steps can improve your odds of staying allergy-free!

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Seasonal Allergies: Three Nutrients to Calm Seasonal Allergies.

Seasonal allergies happen when the immune system reacts to a substance that should otherwise be harmless. It’s like an immune response gone rogue. What happens next is the release of histamine—a tiny chemical messenger released from mast cells that leads to a cascade of inflammation. Histamine is at the center of seasonal allergies and causes most of the irritating symptoms.

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Integrative and Functional Medicine, Allergies Carin Nielsen, MD Integrative and Functional Medicine, Allergies Carin Nielsen, MD

Seasonal Allergies: Hidden Triggers can Worsen Symptoms.

The snow is melting, the temperatures are rising, and most of us are excited to start spending more time outdoors. For many, however, this transition to spring and summer weather also brings the unwanted symptoms of seasonal allergies, such as: Sneezing, itchy or Runny Nose, Itchy or Watery Eyes, Headache, Dry Cough, Fatigue and “Brain Fog”

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Thyroid, Hormone Balance, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD Thyroid, Hormone Balance, Stress Carin Nielsen, MD

How Stress Disrupts Your Thyroid

As I have mentioned in prior blogs, your hormones dance with one another. This is why, when evaluating hormone balance, you have to take into account the various hormones interacting in your body. When one hormone becomes imbalanced this can lead to other hormonal imbalances. Stress hormones and thyroid hormones are good examples of this.

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